Kendrick Kane Hodgman

Kendrick Kane Hodgman

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Kendrick K. (Julia3, Jane2, John1) secured his education in the district school and in Richfield high school. Commencing in 1878 he taught 18 terms in the schools of Parma and Brooklyn. He studied law under the direction of Anson W. Beman, Esq., of Cleveland, and in February, 1876, passed examination at Columbus, Ohio, and was admitted to practice as an attorney and counsellor at law. The year 1891 he spent in Columbus as assistant clerk of the Cuyahoga County Board of Equalization. He was census enumerator for Parma in 1890 and again in 1910. He served three years as justice of the peace.

On October 12, 1881, he was married to Helen Louise Hauserman, who was born in Parma April 25, 1854. She was the daughter of Frederick and Angeline Snell Hauserman. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgman united with the Presbyterian church in 1891. Mr. H. was teacher of the Bible class many years and since 1898 has been superintendent of a Mission S.S. Mrs. Hodgman has been a devoted S.S. teacher since she was 17 years old, and has been a willing helper in all church work.


Kenneth Ethelbert, b. Aug. 30, 1882.

Hazel Helen, b. Jan. 17, 1885.

Ethel Eliza, b. Sept. 3, 1887, d. Feb. 22, 1899.

Oren, b. May 19, 1890, d. May 29, 1890.

Merton William, b. Nov. 7, 1891.

The children were all born at the homestead where their father was born.

Kenneth Ethelbert Hodgman

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Kenneth E. (Kendrick4, Julia3, Jane2, John1) is the oldest of the children of Kendrick K. and Helen L. Hodgman. He was born Aug. 30, 1882. He passed through the district school and entered West high school, Cleveland, when 14 years old. He graduated as valedictorian of the class of 1900.

He entered Western Reserve University or Adelbert college the same year and completed the course of the first year. On account of being troubled with catarrh a change of climate was advised. He spent the year Sept. 1, 1901-2, in New Mexico.

While in New Mexico he was in the employ of U. S. civil engineers engaged in irrigating canal work. He then returned to Adelbert college and graduated in the class of 1905. He spent a year doing farm work. In May, 1906, he entered the employ of the C. B. & Q. R. R. and was employed as a civil engineer on the division between La Crosse, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn. He remained with the C. B. & Q. R. R. till February, 1908.

He then went to Seattle, Wash., and entered the service of the North Western Engineering Co. He spent some time at Spokane, and one summer in Montana. The past three years he has spent in Oregon, being located in Portland during the winter and at LaPine in the summer time. He has been chiefly employed on irrigating canal work. Since his early childhood Kenneth has belonged to the S. S. army. He united with the Parma Presbyterian church February 2, 1896.

Hazel Helen Hodgman

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Hazel Helen (Kendrick4, Julia3, Jane2, John1) was born Jan. 17, 1885, in Parma, Ohio. After attending the district school she entered Berea high school and then attended the normal department at Baldwin University, Berea. She began teaching in 1902 and for six years was employed in the Parma schools, four years being spent in her home district. Her mother's feeble health made it necessary for her to give up her work as teacher and assume the charge of her father's household, where she patiently and faithfully served four years. Her mother's improved health left Hazel free to return to teaching and she is now engaged in the work. When 11 years old she united with the Parma Presbyterian church and has ever been ready for what her hands found to do in S. S., Christian Endeavor, or any department of church work.

Ethel Eliza Hodgman

Ethel Eliza Hodgman

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Ethel E., (Kendrick4, Julia3, Jane2, John1) from her earliest childhood manifested an obedient, trustful spirit. When her playmates were saddened over some disappointment in their plans for a holiday she would say with a smile, "If Jesus wishes it to rain it is all right." We copy from The Advertiser of Berea, Ohio, for March 19, 1899, the following "In Memoriam":

Death having garnered two who were ripe in years and experience, now turned to pluck a flower, and took Ethel E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hodgman. After many months of suffering, her gentle spirit took its flight Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 22, and went to "rest in Jesus' arms," where she had so longed to be. Eleven years and five months was the measure of her brief life, yet in that short time she had endeared herself to a large circle of friends.

Over a year ago her health became so poor that she gave up attendence at school. But it was not till May that her friends learned that her mission on earth was nearly ended. Her physicians pronounced her trouble enlargement of the heart and said that medicine could not cure her. She slowly and steadily failed. For three months, beginning in October, she had a terrible cough. These paroxysms of coughing lasted from four to six hours. Often the whole night was spent in coughing, without rest or relief. It was at the close of such a night of suffering that she said to her mother, "I shall be no better till I am at rest in Jesus arms."

On another night when she had found no rest from these terrible paroxysms of coughing, just before morning her mother began to weep at sight of the suffering child. Ethel looked up with a smile, saying "Mamma, it is all right if Jesus wishes me to cough."

When the cough left her, dropsy set in and her lower limbs became so swollen that the skin burst. For forty-four days and nights she could not lie down. She sat in her chair. The only rest she had was to lean her head on a stand placed in front of her. And so she died.

She bore all her pain and weariness without a murmur. No fretful words passed her lips. Her trust in Jesus, her Saviour, ever sustained her and helped her to bear all with a patience and resignation that seemed marvelous to those who witnessed her suffering. One time she said to one attending her,"I am so weak, so weak. Ask Jesus for strength." "I do often ask him to strengthen you," was the reply. "But ask Him now and aloud," was the request. She often asked those about her to pray with her.

Once in prayer for herself she was overheard to say, "Dear Jesus, come very near to me and make me feel that you are here."

She had no fear or dread of death. She talked freely of dying. She made most of the arrangements for her funeral service and gave tokens of remembrance to her friends. "Don't feel too badly when I am gone", she said.

The morning of the day on which she died, she said to her mother, "I think I shall go to heaven today. Oh, I am so glad!"

A few moments before her gentle spirit took its flight, she said, "Now sing me to sleep." The song was interrupted. She said, "Now finish it." Her lips and brow were even then touched by the hand of death. A few gasps for breath and she was "asleep" in the arms where she had so often wished to be.

The funeral services were held at the home of her father and were conducted by the Rev. J. Spencer, of Cleveland. Mrs. Spencer, who was her Sunday school teacher for several years, spoke very tenderly of Ethel's beautiful life. There were many lovely floral tributes from friends. Her teacher and schoolmates gave a beautiful broken floral wheel.

Merton William Hodgman

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Merton William, (Kendrick4, Julia3, Jane2, John1) youngest child of K. K. and Helen Hodgman, was born Nov. 7, 1891. He graduated from the district school June, 1905. He spent one year in the eighth grade school in Cleveland and graduated from Lincoln high school in 1910. He is now a student in Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland and is preparing himself to be a civil engineer.

He united with the Presbyterian church when he was 14 years old.

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