Seymour L. Burroughs

(Page 215--217)

Seymour L. (Rebecca2, John1) was the seventh child and youngest son of Rebecca and Asa Burroughs. He was born April 24, 1838 at Cleveland, Ohio. He attended school in that city. In 1854, when sixteen years of age, he left Cleveland and went to Lafayette, Ind., where he made his home. On the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, he enlisted as a private in a company of cavalry then organizing in Lafayette. On reaching the front this company with other companies from Indiana, Ohio, and New York, was merged in the 2nd Regiment of New York, afterward known as the "Harris Light Cavalry", famous for its fighting qualities. Mr. Burroughs rose rapidly from the ranks to the command of his company for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field of battle. He served with distinction under Generals Kilpatrick, Custer and Sheridan, and was one of the few surviving officers of Dahlgreen's ill-fated ride around Richmond.

He participated in all the famous cavalry battles of the Army of the Potomac from Bull's Run to the Wilderness. He was seriously wounded on the evening of the last day of the "Seven Days" fighting. Capt. Burroughs never fully recovered from his wounds but was an invalid for many years.

He was discharged from the army at Albany, N.Y., with the rank of brevet colonel.

The following lines are taken from a letter written to Logan Post, No.3, G.A.R., Lafayette, Ind., by a comrade of Capt. Burroughs on receiving news of his death:

After this reunion he visited his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Putt, in Jersey City, and his son, H. S. Burroughs, at Felton, Pa. While at Felton came the last "Roll Call", and peacefully this brave soldier answered "Here".

He was married in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 28, 1864, to Miss Cassie Belle O'Donnel, who was born Sept. 14, 1844, in Elmira, N.Y. They resided in Dunkirk, New York, from 1864 to 1870. They then returned to Lafayette, Ind., where they resided until his death, Dec. 12, 1894.

He had no regular occupation, owing to being incapacitated for labor by the serious wound received in battle.

As a young man he attended the Christian Church, but later in life the Episcopal Church.

He never held any political office. He was a member of the Masonic and I. O. O. F. fraternities.


Viola May, b. July 23, 1865.

Harry Seymour, b. Sept. 27, 1866

George J., b. Oct. 1 1870, d. May 11, 1899.

Walter W., b. Aug. 8, 1875, d. Aug. 13, 1899.

Frank L., b. Sept. 18, 1878.

Arthur G., b. Mar. 5, 1880.

Frank L. Burroughs

(Page 220)

Frank L. Burroughs (Seymour3, Rebecca2, John1) was born Sept. 18, 1878, at Lafayette, Ind., where he attended school. He was married June 6, 1904, at Brooklyn, N. Y., to Luemma Bond Hamilton, who was born Feb. 20, 1871, at Canjoharie, N. Y. Mr. Burroughs is chief clerk for the The Morgan Steamship Lines of New York City. His residence is at 1017 Trinity Ave.

He attends the Episcopal Church.


Raymond Hamilton, b. Mar. 6, 1906, d. April 29, 1907.

Arthur Garfield Burroughs

(Page 221)

Arthur G. (Seymour3, Rebecca2, John1) is the youngest child of Seymour L. and Cassie B. Burroughs. His birthplace was Lafayette, Ind. The date of birth, Mar. 5, 1880. After graduating from the public schools of Lafayette he became an electrician. He was married April 9, 1903, at Brooklyn, N. Y., to Margaret Martin, who was born May 20, 1884, at Brooklyn, N. Y. He is now electrical operator for the Interborough Rapid Transit Co., of New York City. His residence is No. 571 55th Street, Brooklyn. He is an Episcopalian.


Elizabeth Martin, b. Mar. 8, 1904, at Brooklyn.

Margaret Johnson, b. Mar. 21, 1906, at Brooklyn.

Viola Barton, b. Mar. 1, 1910, at Brooklyn.

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